Conference Papers in Published Proceedings | FacWorks | Northern Michigan University


Submissions from 2017

Theory and application of teaching high school or collegiate level mathematics online, Amy Barnsley, K. Penkava, and M. Smith

Pre-service teachers understanding of proof and justification at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, Carol Bell

Putting Place on a Plate: An Analysis of Restaurants along the West Cork Food Trail, Michael Broadway

Infrastructure Tools for Efficient Cybersecurity Exercises, Jim Marquardson

Cyber Security Exercise Development: Protecting Your Institution While Giving Students Experience, Jim Marquardson and D. Gomillion

Literacy Quadrants and Teacher Narratives: Pedagogical Tools to Foster Reflection and Improve Dialogue about Diverse Democracies, Elsie L. Olan, Kia Jane Richmond, and Maureen McDermott

Literacy quadrants and teacher narratives: Pedagogical tools to foster reflection and improve dialogue about diverse democracies., Kia Jane Richmond

Submissions from 2015


Effect of Sauna Therapy on Overhead Squat Depth in Elite Weightlifters, Breanne R. Carlson, Erich J Petushek, Marguerite Moore, and Heather Dermyer


Open Educational Practices' Models using Open Educational Resources, Patricia Hogan, Breanne R. Carlson, and Chris Kirk


I Have to Say "I Love You" in a ... Affirmation?: Five Forms of Demonstrating our Love for our Students, Rita Shea-Van Fossen and Gary Stark

Submissions from 2014


Auto-Tuned Voices: Why do we Distort the Pig Iron Tales, Russell W. Clayton and Gary Stark

Using self-study to navigate the changing seas of standards based education, Christi Edge, Abby Cameron-Standerford, and Bethney M. Bergh


Using self-study to navigate the changing seas of standards-based education., Christi U. Edge, Abby Cameron-Standerford, and Bethney M. Bergh


Comparison of kinematics and accuracy of overhand American Football throwing, Randall L. Jensen


Influence of jumping measures and squat 1RM on sprint speed in Rugby Union players, Randall L. Jensen


Changes in running gait parameters during a 161 km trail race, Randall L. Jensen and Scott Drum

Characterization of HCMV-encoded chemokine receptor US28 transduced MSU1.1 human fibroblast cells, Danielle R. VanBeckum, Jacob Studt, Donald Shaffer, Robert J. Belton Jr, Johnathan Lawrence, Richard A. Rovin, Cathy E. Bammert, and Robert J. Winn


Information Security as a Determinant of Nation’s Networked Readiness: A Country Level Analysis, Manal Yunis, Madison Ngafeeson, and Kai Koong

InGrid: Interactive Grid Table, Mounia Ziat, Josh Fridstrom, Kurt Kilpela, Jon Fancher, and James Jim Clark

Throwing of a Ceramic Cylindrical Vessel: How Height is Affected by Sensory Deprivation, Mounia Ziat, Cheryl Konieczky, and Brian Kakas

Enhancing Virtual Immersion through Tactile Feedback, Mounia Ziat, Taylor Rolison, Andrew Shirtz, Daniel Wilbern, and Carrie Anne Balcer

Ebbinghaus Illusion in the Tactile Modality, Mounia Ziat, Erin Smith, Cecilia Brown, Carrie DeWolfe, and Vincent Hayward

Submissions from 2013

Green/Activist Mexican History in "Asalto al agua transparente", Timothy G. Compton


Continuous waveform analysis of force, velocity, and power adaptations to a periodized plyometric training program, Randall L. Jensen


Kinematic adjustments during successful and unsuccessful wolf jumps on the balance beam, Randall L. Jensen

Submissions from 2012


Effect of acute feedback on knee angle and moments during a horizontal land and cut maneuver, Randall L. Jensen


Force and time analysis of backstroke to breaststroke turns, Randall L. Jensen


Reliability of knee joint measures in a cutting movement, Randall L. Jensen

Changing Attitudes, Change Agents and Change Models: Three Exercises to Teach Change, Rita Shea-Van Fossen, Enrique Nunez, and Gary Stark


Dress for Success in the Classroom (But what is Success to You?, Micheal T. Stratton and Gary Stark

Submissions from 2010


Differences in RSI and peak ground reaction force for drop rebound jumps from a hang and box for female subjects, Randall L. Jensen


Ground reaction forces of variations of plyometric exercises on hard surfaces, padded surfaces and water, Randall L. Jensen


Hamstring muscle activation differences between genders while performing single leg landings, Randall L. Jensen


Relationship of ground reaction and knee joint reaction forces in plyometric exercises, Randall L. Jensen


The effects of a cloth wrap in stabilization of the ankle, Randall L. Jensen


Electromyographical analysis of double pole ergometry: Standing vs. sitting, Phillip B. Watts and Randall L. Jensen

Submissions from 2009


Effect of bilateral or single leg landing on knee kinematics, Randall L. Jensen

Effect of ski boot tightness on shock attenuation time and joint angle with anterior-posterior foot positioning in drop landings, Randall L. Jensen


Measurement techniques in assessing athletic power, Randall L. Jensen


Peak velocity of Nordic ski double pole technique: Stand-up vs. Sit skiing, Randall L. Jensen


Quantifying the onset of the concentric phase of the force–time record during jumping, Randall L. Jensen


Reliability of forces during variations of plyometric exercises, Randall L. Jensen


Reliability of time to stabilization in single leg standing, Randall L. Jensen


The effect of fatigue on reactive strength in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed individuals, Randall L. Jensen


Effect of fatigue on dynamic balance after maximum intensity cross country skiing, Phillip B. Watts and Randall L. Jensen

Submissions from 2008


Kinetic responses during landings of plyometric exercises, Randall L. Jensen


Kinetic responses during landings of plyometric exercises, Randall L. Jensen


Rate of force development and time to peak force during plyometric exercises, Randall L. Jensen


Energy economy: effect of lateral pedal width variations relative to Q-angle in avid cyclists, Randall L. Jensen and Phillip B. Watts


Joint angle changes with varied foot positioning in rock climbing, Randall L. Jensen and Phillip B. Watts

Submissions from 2007


Force output and hip movement while flutter kicking with variations of kickboard support, Randall L. Jensen


Kinematic analysis and muscular activity of skateboard propulsion in experienced participants, Randall L. Jensen


Power output, muscle activity, and frontal area of a cyclist in different cycling positions, Randall L. Jensen


Reliability of a digital method to determine frontal area of a cyclist, Randall L. Jensen


Reliability of the reactive strength index and time to stabilization during depth jumps, Randall L. Jensen

Submissions from 2006


A comparison of two backstroke starts, Randall L. Jensen


Electromyographical analysis of plyometrics exercises, Randall L. Jensen


Reliability of a new lower extremity motor control test: Dot diagram, Randall L. Jensen


Triathlon cycle-run transition: seated versus alternating seated and standing cycling, Randall L. Jensen


The effects of backpack loading styles on energy expenditure and movement in the sagittal plane during treadmill walking, Phillip B. Watts and Randall L. Jensen

Submissions from 2005


Ground and knee joint reaction forces during variations of plyometric exercises, Randall L. Jensen


Vertical hand force and forearm EMG during a High-step Rock-on climbing move with and without added mass, Randall L. Jensen and Phillip B. Watts


Effects of dorsiflexion on energy expenditure during cross-country skiing using V1 skate technique, Randall L. Jensen and Phillip B. Watts


Quantification of drop jumps for training implications, Randall L. Jensen and Phillip B. Watts

Submissions from 2004


Effects of static stretching on maximal isokinetic torque, Randall L. Jensen


Pilot study: Electromyographic quadriceps/hamstring ratios during drop jumps, Randall L. Jensen


Reliability and validity of laser distance and velocity determination during running, Randall L. Jensen

The effects of sand dune and hill running on lower limb kinematics and running speed in elite sprinters, Randall L. Jensen

Submissions from 2002


Impulses and ground reaction forces at progressive intensities of weightlifting variations., Randall L. Jensen

Submissions from 2001


2) Jensen, R. Comparison of ground-reaction forces while kicking a stationary and non-stationary soccer ball, Randall L. Jensen


Development of a Building Electrical Power Systems Design Specialty, Glenn T. Wrate

Submissions from 2000


Hamstring electromyographic response of the back squat at different knee angles during eccentric and concentric phases, Randall L. Jensen

Submissions from 1999


Resonant Tank Motor Model For Voltage Reflection Simulations With PWM Drives, Davia W. Schlegel, Glenn T. Wrate, Russ Kerkman, and Gary Skibinski