Date of Presentation


Name of Conference

Seminar Nasional Jurusan Mata Kuliah Dasar Umum (National Seminar on Foundational University Studies) “Pendidikan Umum dalam Menyongsong Generasi Emas Indonesia Tahun 2045” (“General Studies for Building a Golden Generation in Indonesia by the Year 2045”)

Date of Conference


Location of Conference

Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Document Type

Conference Presentation


School of Education, Leadership, and Public Service


The study of Liberal Arts is absent in Indonesian higher education. A strong participatory democracy may require skills engendered by a rigorous study of the liberal arts. When I arrived in Indonesia in August 2014, I found a vibrant Indonesian democracy and smart, eager-to-learn university students who were unsatisfied with MKDU (General Education) classes. A strong democracy requires skills engendered by a rigorous study of Liberal Arts. Restructuring the MKDU classes as Liberal Arts classes using active, student-centered instruction should lead to higher levels of critical thinking in college students, higher quality of teachers in local schools, and better citizenship throughout Indonesia and ultimately the world.
