Submission Guidelines for All NMU Master's Theses

Who Can Submit

NMU Commons Master's Theses only publishes theses produced under the auspices of Northern Michigan University.

Formatting guidelines for thesis submission are available at the College of Graduate Studies and Research Thesis Information page, listed under The Northern Michigan University Guide to the Preparation of Theses.

For additional information on any of these policies, please contact Northern Michigan University's College of Graduate Studies and Research at or call 906-227-2300

Using The Commons for Thesis Submission

Create Your Commons Account

1. Click on the Submit Research link in the left menu bar.

2. Create a free account by clicking on the sign-up button under "Create new account" on the right hand side of the page.

3. Complete the form (required fields have an *).

4. Click on Sign Up.

5. You will receive a confirmation e-mail.

6. Log-in to your account to submit your thesis.

Submission Instructions

Please read the instructions below carefully.

1. Make sure your paper follows the formatting information available in theThe Northern Michigan University Guide to the Preparation of Theses.

2. Submit your Thesis Signature Page signed by all readers except the Dean of Graduate Studies to 401 Cohodas Hall or .

3. Submit your FINAL paper electronically on this site following the instructions below.
NOTE-All changes/corrections requested by your thesis chair and readers should be made to your thesis before submitting to this site. Please note that you must provide your thesis chair's name and e-mail addresses during the submission process. They will need to provide final electronic approval of your thesis before it will be reviewed by the College of Graduate Studies.

Before Submitting Your Paper, Have the Following:

1. Full text of your thesis in Word or PDF format

2. Supplementary files (embargo form, images, sound, etc.) that are an integral part of the thesis, but not part of the full text.

3. Your thesis chair's name and e-mail address.

4. Subject Category. You must choose at least one main category from the supplied list. Three optional secondary subject areas may also be entered.

5. Keywords (comma separated, maximum of 10).

6. Abstract (250 words or less).

*Keywords and abstract may be pasted into the submission fields.

Submission Agreement for Master's Thesis

During thesis submission you will be asked to accept the following terms of granting Northern Michigan University the right to post your thesis:

-I hold the copyright to this thesis and verify that this thesis and abstract are my original work. Proper attribution has been given to all outside sources. I understand that I am solely responsible for obtaining any needed copyright permissions. I have obtained and attached hereto needed written permission statement(s) from the owner(s) of each third‐party copyrighted matter to be included in my work, allowing electronic distribution (if such use is not permitted by the fair use doctrine).

-I warrant that the posting of the work does not infringe any copyright, nor violate any proprietary rights, nor contain any libelous matter, nor invade the privacy of any person or third party, nor otherwise violate repository policies.

-I hereby grant to Northern Michigan University and its agents the irrevocable, non-exclusive, and royalty-free license to archive and make accessible my theis in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. I agree that my thesis may be made available immediately following approval for worldwide access unless an embargo applies. I retain all other ownership rights to the copyright of my work. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of my work. I understand that I am free to register the copyright to my work.

Enter Information About Your Thesis

1. Title of your Thesis

2. Author information

3. Date of Completion

4. Degree Name

5. Department(s)

6. Program

7. Thesis chair and e-mail addresses

8. Keywords (maximum of 10)

9. Subject Categories

10. Abstract (maximum 250 words): Only plain text is supported for the abstract (fonts and text style changes are not preserved). If you would like to include bold or italic text in your abstract, HTML tags may be used. Please only include a brief summary of the content of your thesis in this field. This should be a paragraph or two, although it can be longer. Do NOT type the heading required in the body of your thesis in the abstract field of the submission form.

11. Comments (additional text to be displayed on the the index page)

Uploading the Thesis File(s)

Check “Upload file from your computer".

Click the “Browse” button to locate your thesis on your computer.

Select your thesis file.

Your thesis should be uploaded as a Word or a PDF file. If you upload a Word document, the system will automatically convert it to a PDF for you. PDF is the preferred file format. A PDF will automatically generate a cover page that provides context to users accessing your document from search engines like Google. MS Word or Rich Text documents can be converted to PDFs by selecting Save As and choosing the PDF format from within MS Word. Images can easily be converted to PDFs via many free Web applications. If you have questions about converting your file to PDF format contact

Once you have selected all of your files to upload, click the “Submit” button once.

Your thesis will be uploaded. An e-mail will be sent to your thesis chair to approve your thesis on-line. Once your chair has approved your thesis, it will be reviewed by the Northern Michigan University College of Graduate Studies. If any revisions are required, you will receive an e-mail that specifies the changes needed.

Upon final approval of your thesis, you will be notified via e-mail.

Your thesis may be made available immediately or held until all theses for the semester have been approved.

Please contact if you have any questions or call 906-227-2300.