
Immediate activation and adequate performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are imperative to the survival of individuals in cardiac arrest. More than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of the hospital each year, making immediate bystander CPR imperative to survival. The purpose of this study was to determine the average bystanders’ ability to provide high quality CPR through fatigue in multiple scenarios. Specifically examining the amount of CPR training, strength of the bystander, endurance of the bystander, and emotional stability of a bystander to perform under stress. Forty adult participants (male n=27, female n=13) completed a questionnaire regarding their level of CPR training, upper body strength, and level of fitness. Next, they performed individual rescuer and two-person CPR until fatigue or 5 or more mistakes were made. Both fatigue (52.5%) and mistakes (47.5%) were encountered in the single rescuer scenario as a reason to stop CPR. The two-rescuer situation identified that distractions in a simulated situation can affect the quality of CPR and cause more mistakes to be made (90%=mistakes, 10%= fatigue). Mistakes made were a poor representation of time to fatigue as many bystanders are not up-to-date on CPR certification. Therefore, time to fatigue should represent the participants’ time to stop rather than mistakes as even poor CPR is more beneficial than no CPR. An individual’s level of fitness and strength are factors that increase time to fatigue during high-quality CPR. Strength and level of fitness are qualities that can positively affect the survivability of a cardiac arrest victim.

Class Standing



Health and Human Performance, School of

Faculty Advisor

Marguerite Moore

Faculty Advisor Email



