Date of Scholarly Project Submission
Degree Type
Scholarly Project
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Faculty Chairperson
Melissa Copenhaver, DNP, MS, RN-BC, LMSW, CNE
Second Committee Member
Melissa Romero, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, CNE
Third Committee Member
Kristi Adair, PhD, RN
In the United States, anxiety rates are on the rise for the general population (Goodwin et al., 2020a). Prolonged and frequent anxiety can become unprompted and problematic (American Psychiatric Association, 2021). Management of anxiety is crucial for overall wellbeing. Access to treatment and resources for anxiety may be limited in rural geographical locations (Morales et al., n.d.). This DNP project sought to determine whether a brief intervention of electronic guided mindfulness meditation (MM) by Insight Timer is effective in decreasing anxiety in a rural populous. Convenience sampling recruited a final total of 11 rural participants who participated in seven sessions of mindfulness meditation over a 14-day period. Analysis via permutation testing of Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale scores from pre/post scores showed the intervention of MM to be statistically significant (p=0.0015).
Recommended Citation
King, Sierra, "THE IMPACT OF BRIEF ELECTRONIC GUIDED MINDFULNESS MEDITATION ON ANXIETY SCORES" (2024). Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarly Projects. 35.
Included in
Alternative and Complementary Medicine Commons, Behavioral Medicine Commons, Other Mental and Social Health Commons, Psychiatric and Mental Health Commons, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Commons