Date of Scholarly Project Submission
Degree Type
Scholarly Project
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Faculty Chairperson
Anne Stein
Second Committee Member
Melissa Romero
Third Committee Member
Nancy Maas
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation educational tools are prevalent in the realm of advance care planning and shared decision making. However, tools developed specifically in the interest of veterans are lacking. This deficit impedes the advance care planning process. Easy-to-use advance care planning tools that meet specific population needs can result in a threefold higher rate of usage. The purpose of this DNP scholarly project was to evaluate the use of the Honoring Healthcare Choices CPR educational handout through administration of the iDECIDE CPR Decision Aid Acceptability questionnaire to veterans (N=70) residing in a veterans nursing home in the Midwest. The iDECIDE CPR Decision Aid Acceptability questionnaire was adapted for use in this scholarly project; it has proven to be both a valid and reliable tool in previous studies where it was used to assess CPR educational tools. The majority of study participants felt that the Honoring Healthcare Choices cardiopulmonary resuscitation handout met the needs of the veteran population. Additionally, the collection of demographic data was interpreted through Fisher’s exact test of independence; however, no findings of statistical significance were yielded due to the small sample size (N=70). Future studies are needed to acknowledge if any specific demographic trends exist within this population’s response to the Honoring Healthcare Choices CPR educational handout and to shape future educational tools.
Recommended Citation
Dalgord, Rhian Elizabeth, "ADVANCE CARE PLANNING: CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION EDUCATION AND THE VETERAN POPULATION" (2018). Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarly Projects. 7.