
Neurotensin analogs for neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia

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This grant provides me with a one term course reduction to work on a paper on the virtue of Patience and the vice of Wrath. Aristotle has it right; ?Getting angry [?] is easy and everyone can do it; but doing it to the right person, in the right amount, at the right time, for the right end, and in the right way is not easy, nor can everyone do it.? Building from Aristotle, we can relatively easily characterize a wrathful person: someone prone to extreme anger in inappropriate circumstances. A patient person, then, feels just the right amount of anger in just the appropriate circumstances. But saying exactly what the right amount of anger would be in which circumstances is quite difficult, as Aristotle suggests. In this project, I appeal to recent work in psychology and the philosophy of emotion to explore our reasons for feeling?and avoiding?anger. In doing so I relate virtue theory to the recent philosophical focus on reasons for attitudes. By pulling apart different reasons that bear on whether to be angry, how intensely to be angry, in what way, and in which situations, I explore the considerations to which the patient person is sensitive and the particular faults present in the wrathful person.


Northern Michigan University (2011), $8,833.33

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