"2014 NMU Distinguished Faculty Award" by Michael F. Strahan

Title of Award

2014 NMU Distinguished Faculty Award

Recipient's Department

Lydia M. Olson Library

Document Type


Year of Award


Awarding Organization

Northern Michigan University

Reason for Award

Michael Strahan (AIS-Library) has made significant contributions in the areas of teaching and other assigned responsibilities; research, scholarship, creative activities; and university or professionally-related community service.

Professor Strahan has served NMU as a faculty member in the Lydia M. Olson Library since 1990. He works with faculty colleagues to ensure that students have the information literacy and research abilities they need to be successful. Professor Strahan designed and regularly teaches a course titled, “Research Using Digital Information Resources,” which lays the groundwork for advanced writing projects and graduate theses. He developed an APA style guide that has been a significant contribution to the field of research and librarianship. Since January 2000, Professor Strahan has been publishing the APA Reference Style Guide on Olson Library’s web site (http://library.nmu.edu/guides/userguides/style_apa.htm), which has been accessed online nearly 2 million times since 2008. Professor Strahan's meticulous attention to detail and understanding of the importance of correct citations for scholarly work has led to this resource recognized by APA, and used internationally by students and faculty at NMU and over 50 higher education institutions, plus four international scholarly journals. He pioneered the Embedded Library Instruction Services (ELIS) program that helps many NMU online students succeed. He also has co-founded and served as an editorial board member for the Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning. Professor Strahan has served on many NMU committees and has been appointed to two national committees through the American Library Association’s Association of College and Research Libraries.

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