Going Around in Circles: Naturalism in Zola and Seurat


Nell KupperFollow

Date of Presentation


Name of Conference

26th International Conference on Psychology and the Arts

Date of Conference


Location of Conference

Viterbo, Italy

Document Type

Conference Presentation


Modern Languages and Literatures


The period surrounding the aesthetic of Naturalism was a bound with well-known artists. Emile Zola and Georges Seurat were among others such as Cézanne, Pissarro, Monet, Renoir, Courbet and so forth. Critics often link Zola with Cézanne, citing their enduring friendship that started when they were children growing up in Aix-en-Provence. Their childhood friendship eventually evolved into a collaboration to topple what they saw as the elitist, bourgeois, notions concerning creative works. The powerful collaborative pact between Zola and Cézanne has been the principal focus of many critics, who do not fail to note that the artistic rebellion waged by the artists has very distinct political and social implications, and that all of these elements were embodied in Zola’s philosophy of Naturalism.

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