Submissions from 2004
"Two New Species of Platythelphusa A. Milne-Edwards, 1887 and Comments on the Taxonomic Position of P. denticulata Capart, 1952 From Lake Tanganyika" , Saskia AE Marijnissen, Frederick R. Schram, Neil Cumberlidge, and Ellinor Michel
"Notes on the Taxonomy of Potamonautes Obesus and Potamonautes Calcaratus From Eastern and Southern Africa" , Sadie K. Reed and Neil Cumberlidge
Composition, Structure, and Disturbance History of Old-Growth and Second-Growth Forests in Adirondack Park, New York, Susy Ziegler
Submissions from 2003
Are several recent generalizations of Ekeland’s variational principle more general than the original principle?, Truong Q. Bao and Phan Q. Khanh
Infusing Aging and Public Policy Content into Gerontology Courses: Collaborative Learning Methods To Teach about Social Security and Medicare, Patricia Cianciolo
"Les Crustacés Décapodes du Nimba et sa région" , Neil Cumberlidge and Denise Huguet
"Autapomorphies of the Endophragmal System in Trichodactylid Freshwater Crabs" , Richard V. Sternberg and Neil Cumberlidge
Bail agents and bounty hunters: Adversaries or allies of the justice system?, Greg Warchol
Corporate Kidnapping: An Exploratory Study, Greg Warchol
Transnational Criminality: An Analysis of the Illegal Wildlife Market in Southern Africa, Greg Warchol
Migration in Minnesota, Susy Ziegler and John Hart
Submissions from 2002
The British Slaughtering Industry: A Dying Business?, Michael Broadway
"A New Genus and Species of Freshwater Crab from Northern Madagascar, and a Second New Species Associated with Pandanus Leaf Axils" , Neil Cumberlidge, Christopher B. Boyko, and Harvey Wallace
" A Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Crabs of Madagascar" , Neil Cumberlidge and Richard V. Sternberg
"A New Genus and New Species of Freshwater Crab from Socotra Island, Yemen" , Neil Cumberlidge and Wolfgang Wranik
Prey detection by vomeronasal chemoreception in a plethodontid salamander., Brent Graves and J S. Placyk
Seducer with Identity-Envy: Modern Consciousness Confronts the Dis-order of Multiculturalism , Nell Kupper
Disturbance regimes of hemlock-dominated old-growth forests in northern New York, U.S.A., Susy Ziegler
Submissions from 2001
"We Come To The Garden" . . . Again: Garden City, Kansas, 1990-2000, Michael Broadway
"A New Species of Freshwater Crab from Rukwanzi, East Africa." , R Gregory Corace, Neil Cumberlidge, and Rolf Garms
A new technique for observing redback salamanders, Plethodon cinereus, in the absence of visual stimuli., Brent Graves and J S. Placyk
Foraging behavior of the red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) under various lighting conditions., Brent Graves and J S. Placyk
Natural History Note: Plethodon cinereus, Brent Graves and J S. Placyk
A Woman’s Choice: Duty and Desire in La Princesse de Clèves , Nell Kupper
"Notes on the Position of the True Freshwater Crabs Within the Brachyrhynchan Eubrachyura" , Richard V. Sternberg and Neil Cumberlidge
"On the Heterotreme-Thoracotreme Distinction in the Eubrachyura de Saint-Laurent, 1980" , Richard V. Sternberg and Neil Cumberlidge
Submissions from 2000
Mega-barns spell end to family farm, Michael Broadway
Planning for change in small towns or trying to avoid the slaughterhouse blues, Michael Broadway
Natural History Note: Plethodon cinereus. Intraspecific Aggregation, Brent Graves, J S. Placyk, and L Torretti
Temporal Persistence of Alarm Pheromones in Skin Secretions of the Salamander, Plethodon Cinereus, Brent Graves and V S. Quinn
Submissions from 1999
"A Revision of the Genus Platythelphusa A. Milne-Edwards, 1887 from Lake Tanganyika, East Africa" , Neil Cumberlidge, Richard V. Sternberg, I R. Bills, and H A. Martin
Diel activity patterns of the sympatric poison dart frogs, Dendrobates auratus and D. pumilio in Costa Rica, Brent Graves
A technique for sexing red-backed salamanders (Plethdon cinereus), V S. Quinn and Brent Graves
Space use in response to conspecifics by the red-backed salamander (Plethdon cinereus, Plethodontidae, Caudata), V S. Quinn and Brent Graves
" On the Marine Sister Groups of the Freshwater Crabs" , Richard V. Sternberg, Neil Cumberlidge, and G Rodriguez
Submissions from 1998
Are Canadian inner cities becoming more dissimilar? An analysis of urban deprivation indicators, Michael Broadway
"The African and Madagascan Freshwater Crabs in the Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munich" , Neil Cumberlidge
Home pond discrimination using chemical cues in Chrysemys picta, Brent Graves and V S. Quinn
Responses to the odors of conspecifics by the crayfish Orconectes virilis, V S. Quinn and Brent Graves
Submissions from 1997
Alberta Bound: Canada's Beef Industry, Michael Broadway
" The African and Madagascan Freshwater Crabs in the Museum of Natural History, Vienna" , Neil Cumberlidge
Juvenile toads avoid chemical cues from snake predators, Brent Graves and M A. Flowers
Submissions from 1996
Urban tourist development in the nineteenth century Canadian city, Michael Broadway
Freezing tolerance/intolerance and cryoprotectant synthesis in terrestrially overwintering anurans in the Great Plains, USA, Brent Graves and D L. Swanson
Police compulsory arbitration: A review of the research, Greg Warchol
Submissions from 1995
"Redescription of Sudanonautes Floweri from Nigeria and Central Africa" , Neil Cumberlidge
" Redescription of the African Fresh-water Crab Sudanonautes Africanus" , Neil Cumberlidge
Aggregation in squamate reptiles associated with gestation, oviposition, and parturition, Brent Graves and D Duvall
Effects of sexually transmitted disease on heritable variation in sexually selected systems, Brent Graves and D Duvall
Prey selectivity and size-specific diet changes in Bufo cognatus and B. woodhousei during early postmetamorphic ontogeny, Brent Graves and M A. Flowers
Supercooling and freeze intolerance in overwintering juvenile plains spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus bombifrons), Brent Graves and D L. Swanson
" Étude épidémiologique sur Paragonimus sp. Dans Le Sud Cameroun" , G Ollivier, M Boussinesq, J J. Albaret, Neil Cumberlidge, J P. Chippaux, and C Bassade-dufour
Relict Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus L.) Stands in Southwestern Wisconsin, Susy Ziegler
Submissions from 1994
" Identification of Sudanonautes Aubryi from West and Central Africa" , Neil Cumberlidge
" Louisea, a New Genus of Fresh-water Crab Globonautes Macropus Edeaensis Bott, 1969 from Cameroon" , Neil Cumberlidge
The Role of Nasolabial Grooves and the Vomeronasal System in Recognition of Home Area by Redback Salamanders, Brent Graves
Submissions from 1993
" Further Remarks on the Identification of Sudanonautes Orthostylis with Comparisons with Other Species from Nigeria and Cameroon" , Neil Cumberlidge
"Redescription of Sudanonautes Granulatus from West Africa" , Neil Cumberlidge
" Two New Species of Potamonemus Cumberlidge and Clark from the Rain Forests of West Africa" , Neil Cumberlidge
Mechanisms of Odorant Delivery and Functional Domain of the Squamate Vomeronasal System, Brent Graves
Reproduction, Rookery Use, and Thermoregulation in Free-Ranging Pregnant Crotalus Viridis Viridis, Brent Graves and D Duvall
Effects of Peripheral Deafferentation of the Vomeronasal System on Home Range Use in Eastern Garter Snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis), Brent Graves, M Halpern, and J C. Gillingham
Sensory Mediation of Aggregation Among Postmetamorphic Bufo Cognatus, Brent Graves, C H. Summers, and K L. Olmstead
Submissions from 1992
"A New Genus and Species of Fresh-water Crab from Cameroon, West Africa" , Neil Cumberlidge and Paul F. Clark
Submissions from 1991
" Sudanonautes Kagoroensis, a New Species of Fresh-water Crab from Nigeria" , Neil Cumberlidge
Consumption of an Adult Moose by a Free-Ranging Neonate Prairie Rattlesnake, Brent Graves
Discrimination of Self from Conspecific Odors in the Skink, Tiliqua Scincoides, Brent Graves
Snake Aggregation Pheromones: Source and Chemosensory Mediation in Western Ribbon Snakes (Thamnophis Proximus), Brent Graves, M Halpern, and J L. Friesen
"Metacercarial Load of Fresh-water Crabs Liberonautes Latidactylus in an Endemic Paragonimiasis Focus in Liberia, West Africa" , R Sachs and Neil Cumberlidge
Submissions from 1990
Recent changes in the structure and location of the US meatpacking industry, Michael Broadway
Natural History Note: Crotalus Viridis Viridis (Prairie Rattlesnake). Predation., Brent Graves
Spring Emergence Patterns of Prairie Rattlesnakes and Wandering Garter Snakes in Wyoming, Brent Graves and D Duvall
The Role of Vomeronasal Organ Chemoreception in Tongue Flicking, Exploration, and Feeding Behaviours of the Lizard, Chalcides ocellatus, Brent Graves and M Halpern
Child Abuse Law and School Policy, Alan W. McEvoy
Submissions from 1989
A Comparison of Patterns of Urban Deprivation between Canadian and U.S. Cities, Michael Broadway
The persistence of urban deprivation: the example of Wichita, Kansas, in the 1970s, Michael Broadway
Defensive Behavior of Female Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus Viridis) Changes after Parturition, Brent Graves
Chemical Access to the Vomeronasal Organs of the Lizard, Chalcides ocellatus, Brent Graves and M Halpern
Submissions from 1988
Evidence of an Alarm Pheromone from the Cloacal Sacs of Prairie Rattlesnakes, Brent Graves and D Duvall
Neonate Plains Garter Snakes (Thamnophis Radix) are Attracted to Conspecific Skin Extracts, Brent Graves and M Halpern
Submissions from 1987
Indochinese Refugee Settlement Patterns in Garden City, Kansas, Michael Broadway
An Experimental Study of Aggregation and Thermoregulation in Prairie Rattlesnakes, Crotalus Viridis Viridis, Brent Graves and D Duvall
Chemosensory Behaviors of Neonate Prairie Rattlesnakes, Crotalus Viridis, Brent Graves, D Duvall, and G C. Carpenter
Visual and Chemical Composite Signaling Effects of Sceloporus lizard fecal boli, Brent Graves, D Duvall, and G C. Carpenter
Submissions from 1985
Avomic Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) Fail to Attack Rodent Prey, Brent Graves and D Duvall
Mouth Gaping and Head Shaking by Prairie Rattlesnakes are Associated with Vomeronasal Organ Olfaction, Brent Graves and D Duvall
Manatee (Trichechus manatus) Lacks Vomero-Nasal Organ, Brent Graves, D Duvall, and A Mackay-Sim
Submissions from 1983
A Role for Aggression Pheromones in the Evolution of Mammal-like Reptile Lactation, Brent Graves and D Duvall
Occurrence and Function of Prairie Rattlesnake Mouth Gaping in a Non-Feeding Context, Brent Graves and D Duvall
Paleoethological Inference: Therapsids as a Model System, Brent Graves and D Duvall
Submissions from 1982
Second Generation Finnish American Migration from the North woods to Detroit, 1920-1950, Michael Loukinen
Submissions from 1979
Maintenance of ethnic culture in Finnish American communities, Michael Loukinen
Submissions from 1937
Observations on a Family Manifesting Congenital Ichthyosis, Luther S. West
Submissions from 1936
Two Pedigrees Showing Inherited Predisposition to Hernia, Luther S. West