
Book Sections/Chapters

Obsessively Estranged, Compulsively Creative, Nell Kupper

Conference Presentations

En torno a lo lúdico: La cultura naipesca en el teatro de Cervantes, Michael Joy

A Child Frozen in Time, Nell Kupper

Albert Cohen's Contemporary Tale, Nell Kupper

Creativity and Religious Forms as Healing, Nell Kupper

Creativity and Service Learning in the French Classroom, Nell Kupper

Desire and Violence in the Texts of Albert Cohen , Nell Kupper

Desire and Violence in the Texts of Albert Cohen, Nell Kupper

Going Around in Circles: Naturalism in Zola and Seurat, Nell Kupper

It Takes a Community: Building or Expanding a French Program, Nell Kupper

Julia Kristeva and the Francophone Identity, Nell Kupper

Le Séducteur dans le monde moderne, Nell Kupper

Looking Back to the Future, Nell Kupper

Out of Sight, Out of Memory, Nell Kupper

Seducer with Identity-Envy: Modern Consciousness Confronts the Dis-order of Multiculturalism, Nell Kupper

Systems Theory and the Mother Daughter Dyads in French Narrative, Nell Kupper

The Mother, the Son and the Ghost in the Mirror, Nell Kupper

Victoire échouée dans La Princesse de Clèves, Nell Kupper


Do the Math! Grading Scales and Grade Inflation, Amy S. Orf


It Just Doesn’t Add Up: Grammatical Number in Spanish and English, Amy S. Orf


Paradise Lost: Cuban Exile Filmmaker León Ichaso, Amy S. Orf


The New Spanish Future Subjunctive, Amy S. Orf


The Thing about -ing, Amy S. Orf

Diaspora and Borderlands in Silvia Plager’s La Rabina, Rebecca Ulland

From YouTube to the Berlinale: European Representations of Refugees in Fiction and Film, Anna E. Zimmer

Whodunit?: The Global Refugee Crisis and Implicated Subjects in German Crime Fiction, Anna E. Zimmer

Journal Articles

Performance Review of Un puto peón negro chueco: A Mexican Play by a Spaniard, Directed by a Mexican, in Madrid., Timothy G. Compton

A Woman’s Choice: Duty and Desire in La Princesse de Clèves , Nell Kupper

A work of Self Reconstruction , Nell Kupper

Daughters Who Remember: the Omnipresent Mother in Nathalie Sarraute’s Enfance, and the Absent Mother in Patrick Modiano’s La Petite Bijou , Nell Kupper

Le Piège du discours maternel dans le roman de Mme de Lafayette , Nell Kupper

Seducer with Identity-Envy: Modern Consciousness Confronts the Dis-order of Multiculturalism , Nell Kupper


Putting the Past and Present on Trial: Migration and Memory in Ludwig Laher's Documentary Novel, Verfahren (2011), Anna E. Zimmer