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Conspectus Borealis (Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series)
Conspectus Borealis is Northern Michigan University’s undergraduate interdisciplinary journal of scholarly and creative works created and run by the Honors Program. Our goal is to publish exemplary scholarly and creative works of all genres to highlight to the public the academic advancements students at NMU are making, regardless of major, minor, or academic program.
Our submissions are currently closedISBS Proceedings Archive
The ISBS Proceedings Archive publishes papers from the International Society of Biomechanics in Sport annual conference. Papers focus on applied research on human and animal movement, equipment, and training in sports.
See the Aims and Scope for an overview of the society.
See the Policies for an overview the submission process
This archive hosts the proceedings archive for ISBS conferences from 2017 onwards. Papers presented at ISBS conference prior to 2017 can be found here

Upper Country: A Journal of the Lake Superior Region (Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series)
Upper Country: A Journal of the Lake Superior Region is published by Northern Michigan University's Center for Upper Peninsula Studies. This annual publication is interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed. It promotes scholarly works that examines the history and people of the Lake Superior region.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.