Researcher Bio
Renxin Yang, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
Phone : 906-227-1120
Office : 138 Gries Hall
Web Page:
Education Background
Ph. D. Bowling Green State University, 1995 M.A. University of Toledo, 1991 (Post B.A. Certificates: Wuhan University and Shanghai East China Normal University, 1983) B.A. Jiangxi Normal University, 1982
14 years of college teaching experience in the United States and 5 years of college teaching experience in Mainland China. Research interests: impact of critical life events on status attainment; race and gender differences in SES, alienation, self-esteem, and depression. Publications in professional journals include Sociological Spectrum, Race and Society, Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, International Journal of Sociology of the Family, and Gender and Society. Current research interests include globalization and the third world; social transformations in China. Most recent research projects focus on impact of economic reform on marriage/family and women’s status in China. Professional conferences: Since 1993, delivered over a dozen research papers. Majority of these papers were presented at annual meetings of ASA (American Sociological Association), others of PCA/ACA, MWSA, NCSA, BSA, and NACSA, including numerous guest/invited presentations on diverse topics in the local community.
PRIME, interdisciplinary, research, sociology