Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Health and Human Performance


Exercise Science (MS)

First Advisor/Chairperson

Scott Drum



Central arterial stiffness, indicated by pulse wave velocity (PWV), is increased during the hour post ultramarathon (ULT), but it's currently unknown if PWV remains elevated 24 hours after ULT or marathon (MAR). PURPOSE: To determine the effects of ULT and MAR on C-reactive protein (CRP), aortic blood pressure (BP), aortic augmentation index (AIx), PWV, and LF:HF ratio. We hypothesized that CRP, AIx, PWV and LF:HF ratio would be elevated 24 hours post-race. Our secondary hypothesis was that changes in PWV would be inversely correlated to the percentage of moderate activity (3-6 METs) during competition. METHODS: Applanation tonometry was used to measure aortic BP, AIx and PWV in 12 endurance athletes (36±2 yr) approximately 18 hours before and 24 hours after an ULT or MAR. Plasma CRP, resting BP, and LF:HF ratio were also measured. Intensity and pacing were quantified via wrist accelerometry. RESULTS: In relation to baseline vs. 24 hour post-race, respectively, CRP was significantly (pCONCLUSION:CRP was increased 24 hours post-race, while at the same time aortic BP was decreased. Reduced AIx may contribute to the acute exercise-induced hypotension in long-distance runners 24 hours post-race. Results from our secondary hypothesis indicated that long-distance runners may have better PWV outcomes by pacing with intermittent moderate intensity (i.e., jogging or walking).

Access Type

Open Access
