Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Psychological Science




Applied Behavior Analysis

First Advisor/Chairperson

Jacob Daar


Like many teachers in the human services profession, burnout is possible based on the inability to manage a classroom and the greater demands placed on achievement. Many strategies have been implemented by teachers to alleviate this pressure and help them be successful in managing a class; but they have not always proven to be effective. This study looks at a way for teachers to easily implement different interventions that will help students be successful socially, emotionally and academically. The Good Behavior Game is an intervention proven to be effective in many classrooms and help increase desired behaviors. ClassDojo is also a token economy that is rising in popularity because of its capabilities and ease of use. Finally, gamification is entering into many aspects of both teacher and student lifestyles. The implementation of the Good Behavior Game coincided with ClassDojo and gamification shows ways for teachers to implement interventions that can be easily implemented and successful within a classroom.

Access Type

NMU Users Only
