"Seasonal habitat and movement ecology of adult brook trout in a northe" by Dan Monhollon

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Biology (MS)

First Advisor/Chairperson

Jill Leonard


Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) exhibit a wide variety of movement and habitat use strategies. Habitat needs change seasonally and ontogenetically, but the degree to which brook trout move among suitable habitats depends on life history strategy and stability in environmental conditions. This study examined the seasonality of stream-resident adult brook trout habitat use and movement patterns, and the influence of brook trout size and condition on mobility at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Brook trout in a small northern Michigan stream were collected via electrofishing and implanted with uniquely identified passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags. Mobile PIT antenna surveys were conducted at fine scales of four 35m focal reaches during four survey seasons, and at coarse scales of 31 100 m reaches during two survey seasons. All surveys were conducted during fall and spring transition periods between winter and summer conditions. Results showed little evidence of seasonal differences in either habitat use or movement. Movement and space use were positively related with total length (TL) at fine scales, and among mobile individuals at the coarse scale. Fish in poor condition (Kn) moved longer distances at the finest spatiotemporal scale. Although seasonal movement patterns were consistent at the population level, mobile individuals showed little consistency in their movement behavior.

Access Type

Open Access

Justification for Restricting Access

I will be attempting to publish a version of my thesis and would like access to be restricted until then.

Available for download on Wednesday, November 15, 2028
