Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




English (MA)

First Advisor/Chairperson

Jon Billman


After completing her own grief counseling group, Gennie Maxwell becomes the leader of a grief group for young adults. Six people are left to her charge in the face of the loss of a loved one. Gennie, still grappling with her own grief, leads the way through each week’s group session, and the people within the group begin to find support and growth in their time within the group. As each member finds a place amongst the others, they unfold a stories of their individual struggles with being left behind when someone they love dies. As the weeks progress, grief begins to warp the group as emotions become more prevalent and more grief is brought forward. Frustration comes from some while guilt piles on others as they are all challenged to leave behind their individualized grief and come together as a group of people who have known loss.

Between the narrations of each week, the characters recount pieces of their life, telling the story of who they’ve become and how they’ve dealt with their loss before the grief group was found. Chapters alternate between a member of the group’s story and Gennie’s narration of the group counseling sessions. These spotlight moments shine on the moments in which each person has found themselves the only thing that remains and gives voice to the thoughts they’ve had to work through in the midst of their loss.

Access Type

Open Access

Included in

Fiction Commons
