Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts




Creative Writing (MFA)

First Advisor/Chairperson

Jon Billman


Domesticated Animal is, at its core, a novel about a girl and her dog. Lira has lost her parents in an accident and her only tether to the world is her dog, Blue. She is being taken care of by a foster family who doesn’t quite know how to handle her trauma, and a cynical, cold social worker named Stella. But when an incident occurs between Blue and a stranger’s child at the park, Lira fears that she and her dog will be separated, so she runs away into the relative “wild” of the swampy outskirts of Houston, Texas. The narration shifts from Lira, to Blue, to Stella, as the novel attempts to explore the consciousness of three different beings as they all struggle to find freedom and find home.

Access Type

Open Access

Justification for Restricting Access

I would appreciate an embargo because my thesis is an excerpt of a longer creative work that I will be seeking publication for in the near future. Most agents and publishers would consider this work being downloadable on the commons as "previously published" and I would like to avoid that for as long as possible, as seeking publication can be a years-long process.

Available for download on Tuesday, May 01, 2029

Included in

Fiction Commons
