Date of Award


Degree Type

Education Specialist

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Education, Leadership and Public Service


Administration and Supervision (Ed.S.)

First Advisor/Chairperson

Bethney Bergh, PhD


This qualitative study investigated how six experienced elementary school principals in Washtenaw County identify internal candidates for future principal positions, aiming to enhance understanding of educational leadership and succession planning. The research addresses two primary questions: (1) How do principals identify prospective internal candidates for school leadership? and (2) What competencies or characteristics do principals use to determine candidates' suitability for school leadership? Three themes emerged for the first question: informal recognition of leadership potential through daily interactions; providing leadership opportunities such as leading committees or mentoring teachers; and engaging in direct conversations about career goals. For the second question, five themes emerged: instructional leadership, where candidates demonstrated a deep understanding of curriculum, instruction, and assessment; personal influence, characterized by self-confidence, integrity, and the ability to inspire others; relationship building, with an emphasis on maintaining strong relationships with staff, students, parents, and the community; resilience and adaptability in handling the complexities of school leadership; and decision making, with the ability to make sound decisions under pressure. The study underscores the crucial role of school principals in identifying and nurturing potential school leaders from within their schools. The identified competencies align closely with established educational leadership standards, suggesting that a strategic and systematic approach to leadership identification and development can ensure a strong pipeline of effective leaders prepared to drive positive change in schools.

Access Type

Open Access
