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The purpose of this case study was to compare centre of mass (CoM) recorded by a markerless motion capture system (60 Hz) to a criterion marker based system (120 Hz). Gait kinematics of one healthy male participant was recorded five times by both capture systems simultaneously. CoM position was assessed using a full body six degrees of freedom model, normalised to the stance phase based on a 20 N vertical force threshold recorded with force plates. T-tests on RMSE indicated frontal (0.002 m) and sagittal (0.066 m) CoM coordinates were not significantly different between systems, transverse CoM (0.020 m) was significantly different. Statistical parametric mapping showed significant difference in sagittal CoM during the last 20% of stance. Markerless systems show promise in accurately assessing CoM. Future work should focus on sport actions with larger cohorts.
