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We evaluated the ability of recently proposed two-velocity method to discriminate between thigh muscle mechanical capacities of the involved and the uninvolved leg following ACL reconstruction (ACLR). 15 athletes were tested 4 and 6 months following ACLR. F-V linear relationship parameters (F intercept - F0, V intercept - V0, slope – a, and Pmax) were obtained from line drawn through 60 and 180 °/s data (the 'two-velocity method'). In quadriceps, all parameters revealed between leg differences 4 and 6 months after ACLR. In addition F0 and V0 of the involved leg were higher at 6 than at 4 months after ACLR. In hamstrings, differences between legs were found only for F0 at 4 months. In conclusion, parameter of the two-velocity method could be sensitive enough to detect between-leg differences in muscle F, V, and P producing capacities following ACLR.
