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Thank you to the 46 mentors for generously agreeing to be part of the student mentor programme. There are 46 mentors matched with 46 mentees (92 total).

The ISBS Student Mentor Program will take place during a breakfast session so that mentors and mentees can meet and talk over breakfast in an informal atmosphere.

Students are asked to prepare for the mentor programme by considering which research topics and questions that they would like to discuss with their mentor. Students are advised to prepare a summary of their research so that they can provide the mentor with an overview at the first meeting. Student mentees that are presenting at the conference are sending their abstracts to the mentors.

There is an optional additional session: Friday 14th 16:30 – 18:00. There is no room associated with this session as it is there to provide a possible time when you might wish to catch up towards the end of the conference. Mentors that are involved in the post-conference board meeting will not be available at this time. Please arrange between yourselves during the mentor breakfast whether you would like to meet during this time on the Friday or if you would like to meet at another time during the week.
