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ISBS 2018 Auckland Conference Chair Professor Patria Hume will welcome the Vice Chancellor, ISBS 2018 conference volunteers, and ISBS awardees to the stage.

AUT Vice Chancellor Derek McCormack will thank the contributors to the conference (organising, logistics, assistants) and provide words of reflection on the conference.

The ISBS research, internship and mobility grant awards will be provided by ISBS Board member Tim Exell.

ISBS President Young-Hoo Kwon will award the certificates to the ISBS Fellows, Life Member and announce the Geoffrey Dyson. Dr Neil Bezodis will read the citation for the Life Member.

Professor Mike McGuigan will award the “Samsung best ISBS digital poster use of video or other interactive technology” that the judges rated for: Visual appeal, Innovation, Use of biomechanics technology, Applied biomechanics. The prize is the Samsung Note9 and the Samsung Multi-media DeX dock. Thanks to Diamond Industry Partner Samsung and AUT for these amazing prizes.

The finalists in the oral podium and the oral posters will be awarded medals by ISBS President Young-Hoo Kwon, certificates by ISBS Board member Dr Neil Bezodis and cash awards by VC Derek McCormack.

Dr Gerda Strutzenberger will introduce Dr Mark Walsh who will present the up-coming highlights of the ISBS 2019 conference at the University of Miami Ohio, USA.

The conference will be officially closed by President Young-Hoo Kwon with the furling of the ISBS banner and presentation to ISBS 2019 Conference Chair Dr Mark Walsh.

To finish there will be a performance of haka and song by delegates, led by Dr Valance Smith.
