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While dance and endurance running drastically differ from one another in an anecdotal context, both modalities of movement necessitate proficient stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) function about the ankle-joint. The purpose of the present study was to compare force-velocity profiles in dancers (n=6) and endurance runners (n=6) during a countermovement hop (CMH) and 30 cm drop hop (DH30) to elucidate differences between groups that would potentially stimulate effective training regimens. Average relative force-time, velocity-time and force-velocity curves were generated for each group’s CMH and DH30. Dancers hopped significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) than endurance runners in both hopping tasks. Data from this investigation indicate that dancers and runners have distinctive temporal patterns and force production characteristics during ankle-joint SSC tasks with respect to the eccentric and concentric phase. This may be due to the unique SSC characteristics of each group’s corresponding training protocols.
