


Document Type



This study aimed to quantify the mechanical characteristics of two landing techniques performed by artistic gymnasts. Seven senior female artistic gymnasts performed 20 drop landings with different foot positions: feet together (women’s technique) or hip width apart (men’s technique). Synchronised 3D kinematic (250 Hz) and kinetic data (1000 Hz) were collected for each trial and biomechanical variables associated with lower extremity injury during landing were analysed. Significant differences (α < 0.05) in ankle dorsiflexion and inversion at peak vertical ground reaction force (FPeakZ) were identified between techniques. The findings suggest the female landing style to be associated with increased FPeakZ, loading rate and reduced knee flexion. Whereas the male landing style was reported to exhibit significantly increased ankle inversion angles and reduced ankle dorsiflexion angles at FPeakZ. Results suggest that both strategies present characteristics associated with increased risk of differing injuries.
