

Motor Control

Document Type



Nonlinear analysis methods based on a dynamical systems approach have become more prevalent in recent biomechanics studies. The aim of this study is to identify the range of time delay and embedding dimension values estimated for gait data, and how sensitive Lyapunov exponent and correlation dimension are to the range of these values. A participant walked at 3 km/h and ran at 9 km/h on a treadmill for 2 minutes. Lyaponuv exponent and correlation dimension were calculated based on a combination of the optimal and mean average time delay (TD) and embedding dimension (ED) for both angle and marker data. In the majority of literature, only one ED and TD is considered for LyE estimation, based on an average across data or values suggested in previous papers. However, the results of our study show that every angle or position, has an optimum ED and TD, and the use of these values affects the nonlinear dynamics values in non-trivial ways.
