

Sports Performance & Elite Sports

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Changing direction (COD) particularly a 180-degree turn is a key skill in cricket. Two different techniques, Half-half turning (HH) and sprinting (SP) are commonly performed by cricketers. HH is also known as side-lunging turn whereas the SP involves a slight jump during the turn, followed by landing in a sprinting stance. The aim of this study was to compare kinetic differences between the two techniques. In this study, ground reactions forces (GRF) of three successive foot contact before turning were focused. Nine Thai national female cricket players who familiar with both techniques volunteered in this study. Participants were instructed to perform 180-deg turning techniques while holding a bat on a track with embedded force platforms. There trials of each technique were collected. GRFs and contact time (CT) at the three-foot contact events; antepenultimate (AFC), penultimate (PFC), and final (FFC) were analysed. Paired t-tests were employed to determine difference between the two techniques. The results showed that all GRFs of SP at AFC are significantly higher than HH (p
