

Strength & Conditioning

Document Type



The purpose of this case study was to investigate the effects of external load and eccentric phase duration on peak vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) during the rear foot-elevated split squat (RFESS). One resistance-trained male performed RFESS using 40%, 55%, 70% and 85% of 1-repetition maximum loads under two conditions: self-paced versus 2-s eccentric duration. Preliminary results showed that increasing the load from 40% to 85% 1-RM led a mean increase in peak vGRF of 247 ± 76 N. Interestingly, the peak vGRF was always higher in the self-paced condition compared with the 2-s eccentric condition (mean difference = 151 ± 46 N across 4 loads). The case study shows that moderate external loads may achieve similar peak vGRF compared to heavy external loads, and that a fast eccentric phase could be beneficial for increasing peak vGRF in the RFESS.
