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This study investigated the motor control of chronic ankle instability (CAI) athletes in different landings. 16 athletes participated (8 CAI and 8 control) and performed single-leg landing, inward lateral jump, and outward lateral jump. Electromyography of tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, medial gastrocnemius and lateral gastrocnemius (LG), ankle angle, and time to peak vertical ground reaction force were analysed. Statistics using two-way ANOVA with people and motion as independent variables. The data showed that CAI had different feedforward and feedback strategies with larger inversion angle pre and post initial contact (IC), larger plantarflexion pre and at IC, and lower LG activation pre IC. The large inversion ankle angle post IC could be the risk factor for reinjury. Injury prevention programs of CAI should pay attention to the activation of LG muscle in the landing.
