

Modelling / Simulation

Document Type



This study aimed to quantitatively define two basic Latin American steps (Basic Step and Lateral Step) through a biomechanical approach, providing the main events during each step cycle and the key kinematic features related to these movements. The participant was an instructor of the Italian Federation Sports Dance, who performed the movements in the biomechanics laboratory within the “Sport and Anatomy” center, equipped with an 8-camera Vicon IR system and two force plates. The kinematic variables were computed using two OpenSim models: the Rajagopal and the Thoraco-lumbar models. The major differences between the models were observed in the pelvic tilt, while the pelvic list and rotation were quite similar in the waveforms and range of motion during the two dance steps. In addition, the coordination pattern between the lower limbs and the lumbar spine joint angles confirmed their cyclical feature, even though they had different details between the models.
