Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Health and Human Performance


Exercise Science (MS)

First Advisor/Chairperson

Dr. Marguerite Moore


The effects of cryotherapy on body tissues suggest that cold exposure can decrease performance measures, including proprioception, strength, and agility. Since a decrease in proprioception and strength have been linked with an increase of injury rates, this suggests that exposure to cold conditions may increase injury rates. The main purpose of this study was to determine if there is a difference in musculoskeletal injury rates in the winter compared to the summer months in recreational runners. The participants were surveyed on their injury history for the past year. The results of this study showed that the injury rate for musculoskeletal injuries was higher in the winter months. While the numbers themselves were not significantly different, when scaled to the number of exposures, the results show that there were more injuries per exposure in the winter months than the summer months. The winter conditions of cold, icy, and hard surfaces likely account for these differences. The knee was the most common body part injured, while tendonitis was the most common type of injury sustained.

Access Type

Open Access
