Northern Michigan University Master's Theses
This is an electronic repository of the intellectual output of Northern Michigan University Master's graduates and provides an organized way to preserve theses in a digital format .
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Graduate students can submit their thesis by clicking on the Submit Research button on the left hand side of the screen, filling out the required form and attaching their document. Before submitting please review the Policies and Submission Guidelines pages. In addition, make sure your thesis follows the formatting requirements specified in the The Northern Michigan University Guide to the Preparation of Theses.
For your convenience, the NMU Theses collection has also been organized into departmental collections. You may browse these sub-collections by clicking the links below:
Theses from 1972
Study of the Tetramethylammonium Chloride-Antimony Trichloride Double Salt System, Kit Ming Mak
Isotopic Exchange of Some Bicyclic Hydrocarbons with Deuterium Catalyzed by Palladium on Silica, William S. Millman
Degradation of the Inducible Enzyme Tryptophan Pyrrolase by Lysosomes from Rat Liver Tissue, Kenneth W. Mueller
Effect of SO2 Emission on Populations of Four Lichen Species, Avery Glen Peoples
Directional Control of Air Flow in the Avian Respiratory System, Charles C. Smith
Homogeneous Isomerization of Cyclopropylalkenes Di-mu-Chlorotetracarbonyldirhodium (I), Hugo W. Voigt
Thermal Stability Studies of Chelates of 8-Hydroxyquinolates, Frederic J. Zucchero
Theses from 1971
Study to Determine the Effect of Taking a Timed Writing When it Has to Be Handed in as Compared to Taking One That Does Not Have to Be Handed in, Clyde J. Archambeau
The Pros and Cons of Including Bookkeeping in the Business Education Curriculum of the Secondary School., Kenneth Bentley
Growth and Survival of Young-of-the-year Brook Trout in a Northern Michigan Stream and Tributary Springs, Thomas C. Cannon
Physico-Chemical Studies of the Ni(4-Methyl Pyridine) 4 (SCN)2 A˙ Toluene Clathrate System, L. Y. Chou
How to Organize and Conduct a Class Called Business Opportunities., Lorene V. Johnson
A Follow-Up Study of Suomi College Graduates in the Secretarial Program., Robert P. King
A Survey of Public Secondary Schools of Michigan's Upper Peninsula to Determine Standards for Measurement of Students in Shorthand I, Arthur G. Lewis
In Vitro Conversion of Progesterone and Androstenedione to Estrogens by Normal and Mutant Mice Ovarian Tissue, Winson M. S. Orr
Study of Methods of Teaching Basic Data Processing on the High School Level., William N. Rowe
The in vitro Biosynthesis of Steroids by Ovarian and Adrenal Tissue of C57BL/6J Normal (+/+) and C57BL/6J Tortoise (To/+) Mice, Alice Ming-Hsien Tang
Steric Effect in Homogeneously Catalysed Hydrogenation of Small Ring Cycloalkenes Using Tris (Triphenylphosphine) Chlororhodium (I), Kai-Shung Tse
Physico-Chemical Studies of the Ni(4-Methylpyridine)4 (SCN)2 A˙ C6H6 Clathrate System, K. Vasantha
Effect of Varied Scheduling on Achievement in Second-Semester Typewriting on the University Level, James H. Witting
Theses from 1970
History of the 308th Fighter Squadron of the 31st Fighter Group., Wallace E. Anderson
The Texarkana Experiment in Educational Accountability and Performance Contracting., George R. Bell
A Study of Homing Behavior of Black Bears, Elsworth M. Harger
Role Deprivation of Adult Patients During Routine Hospital Admission, Betty J. Hill
Pathological Anatomy of Valsa Canker of Yellow Birch, Susan A. Kamensky
Cytotaxonomic Study of the Listera cordata Complex, Leenamari Kangas
Kinetic Rate Studies and Related Properties of Some Werner-Complex Clathrates, M. T. Lok
The Professional Responsibilities of Michigan Secondary School Counselors as Perceived by Two Distinct Populations of Counselors., Vineta I. Miller
The Greatness in Gatsby, Mary Audri Tlachac
The Use of a Hemlock-Hardwood Winter Yard by White-Tailed Deer in Northern Michigan, Alton John Westover
Theses from 1969
Organizational Climate, Teacher Age, and Student Achievement., Dennis Jerome Deloria
Failure of Shikimic Acid to Be a Precursor in the Biosynthesis of Nicotine, C.L. Gajurel
Hepatics in Brown County, Wisconsin, with an Emphasis on the Corticolous Species, Gerald O. Gunderson
Chemical and Environmental Analysis of Jackpine Needles Selected by Spruce Grouse in Winter Feeding, Steve Gurchinoff
Acoustical Communication of the Spruce Grouse, Harold J. Harju
Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Estrogens: Estrone, 17beta-Estradiol, and Estriol in the Urine of the C57BL/6J Normal (+/+) and C57BL/6J Tortoise (To/+) Mutant Mice, Robert P. Jacobson
Duration of Survival of Escherichia coli and Streptococcus faecalis in the Alimentary of Stomoxys calcitrans Adults, Jean Ann Love King
Phytoplankton Abundance, Phosphorus and Nitrogen Concentrations in the Marquette Harbor, Lake Superior, July 1968 - June 1969, Douglas R. Knauer
Physiological and Ecological Responses of Spruce Grouse (Canachites canadensis) to Blood Parasitism in Northern Michigan, Mark J. Leider
Homotropy: The Fundamental Group, Sharon McCulley
The Interim Session: An Innovation in College Education., Lyle Francis Plowman
Investigation of the Effect of a Motor Development Program on the Reading Readiness Level of First Grade Children., Laurence James Schober
Experimental Infections of Sparganum pseudosegmentatum Vergeer (Cestoda) and Diphyllobothrium laruei Vergeer (Cestoda) in the Golden Hamster, Dennis W. Sutton
Theses from 1968
Hemolysis in the Erythrocytes of Frogs with Red Leg Disease, Thomas J. Andary
Social Structure and Behavior of an Alaskan Wolf Population., Gordon Clifford Haber
Human Relations in Educational Administration., Jitendra M. Sharma
Theses from 1967
A Checklist of the Fleshy Fungi of Hancock County, Ohio, as Related to Soil Associations, Fred J. Crates
Diatoms as Food of Larval Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus, Patrick J. Manion
Observations on the Adult and Plerocercoid of Diphyllobothrium pseudosegmentatum (Vergeer, 1934), Dale R. Mongrain
Theses from 1966
Self-Conception Analysis of the Goals and Power of the Northern Great Lakes Resource Development Committee., James W. Gooch
Marlowe's Tragic Vision, Beverly Maki Hjelt
Classroom Climate: An Analysis of the Effect of Teacher Behavior on Academic Achievement., Richard Stanley Murray
Implementation of Community Education Through the Use of State and Federal Funds., Thomas Neumann and Jacob Winters
ADC, Enrichment Programs, and Fifty Children., Frank L. Wareham II.
Implementing a Community School Program., John R. Ziemann
Theses from 1964
Potato Farming in Pumpkin Hollow, Ivan James Fende
The Siphonaptera (Fleas) of Upper Michigan Mammals: Problems in Zoology, Graham D. McNamee
Theses from 1963
Hemingway's Religious Experience, Julanne Isabelle