

Extended Learning and Community Engagement Scholar, Christi Edge

Excellence in Teaching Award, Christi U. Edge


2014 NMU Distinguished Faculty Award, Judith Puncochar


Full-year Sabbatical Award 2014-2015: Furthering liberal arts in Indonesian higher education, Judith Puncochar


Empowering Higher Education in Indonesia, A Chaedar Alwasilah PhD and Judith Puncochar PhD

Memberdayakan Pendidikan Tinggi di Indonesia, A Chaedar Alwasilah PhD and Judith Puncochar PhD

Michigan teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of the teacher evaluation process, A. Cameron-Standerford

Michigan teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of the teacher evaluation process, A. Cameron-Standerford, D. Anderson, Bethney M. Bergh, J. Selling, and S. Bohjanen

Assessment of learning report: Learning disabilities program, Abby Cameron-Standerford

Michigan teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of the teacher evaluation process, Abby Cameron-Standerford, D. Anderson, B. Bergh, J. Selling, S. Bohjanen, and A. Barnes

Book Sections/Chapters

Capacity building pedagogy for diverse learners, S. Bohjanen, Abby Cameron-Standerford, and T. Meidl


Toward a Framework for Reading Lived Experiences as Texts: A Four-Year Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, Abby Cameron-Standerford, Christi U. Edge, and Bethney M. Bergh


Foreword to the International Edition, Don Faust and Judith Puncochar


Foreword to Case Studies: Qualitative Research, Judith Puncochar


Striving for Academic Service Learning Success in a Rural K-12 Tribal School, Judith Puncochar

Book Reviews

Enacting change from within: Disabilities studies meets teaching and teacher education, Abby Cameron-Standerford

Enacting change from within: disability studies meets teaching and teacher education, Abby Cameron-Standerford

Conference Papers in Published Proceedings

Using self-study to navigate the changing seas of standards based education, Christi Edge, Abby Cameron-Standerford, and Bethney M. Bergh


Using self-study to navigate the changing seas of standards-based education., Christi U. Edge, Abby Cameron-Standerford, and Bethney M. Bergh

Conference Presentations

Teaching Teachers how to Teach about World Religions, Derek Anderson

The Political Typologies and 2016 Presidential Preferences of 8th-grade Students, Derek L. Anderson

Altering Knowledge but Not Religiosity: A Field Experience on World Religions., Derek L. Anderson and Tanya Cook

The Ignored Religious Other: Atheist Pre-service Teachers and the Teaching of World Religions., Derek L. Anderson, Holly Mathys, and Tanya Cook

Hodgepodge reconfirmed: Pre-service teachers’ assessment of 7th-grade students’ learning., Derek L. Anderson and Andrew Mills

OpenSim K-12 Power Panel: Effectively Engaging and Teaching Grade-Schoolers in Self-hosted Virtual Worlds, A. Benassi, D. Deeds, M. Howard, Carolyn Lowe, A. Philainen, and A. Wheelock

Teaching and Leading: Using Visual Literacy to Construct Meaning in the Online Classroom, Bethney M. Bergh

Performance contracts: Educational goals and educational program monitoring (In other words…Section 7B and 7C of Contract), Bethney M. Bergh and KC Holder

Expanding Understandings of Meaningful Literacy Practices in Teacher-Student Paper Conferences: Discovery, Agency, and Relationship Building through Transactional Events, Jessica Betz

Exceptionalities in the Classroom: A Phenomenological Study of Pre-service Experiences during Student Teaching, Abby Cameron-Standerford

Top Ten for Student Teachers: What You Really Need to Know Before Student Teaching in a Special Education Classroom, Abby Cameron-Standerford

Using self-study to navigate the changing seas of standards-based education, Abby Cameron-Standerford, Bethney M. Bergh, and Christi Edge

Exploring Use of Multimodal Literacies in Academically Diverse Online Classrooms: Creating Opportunity, Access, and Ownership, C. Edge, B. Bergh, and Abby Cameron-Standerford

Reimagining Teacher Preparation through Transmediation: Using Sketching to Stretch Prospective Teachers’ Understandings, Christi Edge

Exploring Use of Multimodal Literacies in Academically Diverse Online Classrooms: Creating Opportunity, Access, and Ownership, Christi Edge, B. Bergh, and A. Cameron-Standerford

Expanding Understanding of Meaningful Literacy Practices in Teacher-Student Paper Conferences: Discovery, Agency, and Relationship-building through Transactional Events, Christi Michigan Edge and J. Betz

Literacy Power Inverter: (Re)Discovering Texts for Content-Area Literacy in the Elementary Classroom, Christi U. Edge


Reading and Composing the Classroom As Text: Illuminating Two Second-Year English Teachers’ Meaning Making from Classroom Events through Narrative Inquiry, Christi U. Edge

Story as a Transactional Space for Teachers and Students: Examining How a Second-Year English Teacher Made Meaning Before, During, and After Teaching through Stories Lived and Told, Christi U. Edge

Understanding before being understood: Authorizing Indigenous and Tribal Charter Schools, J. Escobedo, Kenneth Holder, and S. Thompson


How does “collaboration” occur at all? Remarks on epistemological issues related to understanding / working with ‘the other’, Don Faust and Judith Puncochar

A tale of five coaches: Investigating dialogic interactions between coaches and literacy teachers-in-training, E. Ford-Connors, D. A. Robertson, Melanie Reaves, J. R. Paratore, and G. Kamberelis

Secret Sisters? Finding Delta Kappa Gamma Attributes in Children’s Literature Females, Sandra Imdieke

Learning by Doing as a Course Model, Jennifer James-Mesloh

Upper Peninsula Economic Development Data Collection and Marketing, Jennifer James-Mesloh

Virtual world simulation for healthcare education, Carolyn Lowe and S. Gasior

Virtual world learning with real standards: K-12 standards-based learning in a virtual world, Carolyn Lowe and A. Pihlainen

Assessing Clinical Partnerships and Taking Action, Joe Lubig

Creating and Sustaining Authentic Clinical Partnerships, Joe Lubig

“Do One Thing Every [Semester] That Scares You", Joe Lubig

Sisu! A Regional Approach to Pre-K Through 12 and University Collaborations: Michigan Example, Joe Lubig

The Story’s the Thing, Joe Lubig

Low Stress Teacher Evaluation, Linda Ludwig

Reflective Journaling and the Social Network, Lori Nelson SLPD, Mitchell Klett PhD, Kia Jane Richmond PhD, and Maria Guadalupe Arenillas PhD


Successive Study of Diversity Conference Evaluations of Presenters by Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Disability, Autumn M. Palmer, Christine M. Wilson, and Judith Puncochar


Furthering Liberal Arts in Indonesian Higher Education, Judith Puncochar

Groupwork that Works!, Judith Puncochar


Mastery Learning: Second Chances, Instructor Workload, and Student Confidence, Judith Puncochar


Three Teaching Strategies to Improve Student Engagement and Writing in Language Education, Judith Puncochar

Commitment and Action for the Public Good in the Absence of Belief Systems, Judith Puncochar and D. Faust


Collaboration Opportunities with the Society to Enhance Indonesian Citizenry by Furthering Higher Education with the Liberal Arts (SEICHE), Judith Puncochar and Don Faust


Educating the Under Empowered for Tolerance of Satire and Participation in Young Democracies, Judith Puncochar and Don Faust


Mastery Learning in Calculus I Affects Student Learning, Grade Improvement, and Professor Exhaustion, Judith Puncochar and Don H. Faust

Exploring the role of affective investments in cultural artifacts within early literacy learning, Melanie Reaves

Interest-based, purpose-driven learning dialogues: Collaboratively producing an e-cookbook, Melanie Reaves and G. Kamberelis

Differentiating Homework, Laura A. Reissner

Why it's time to move beyond red-yellow-green behavior management and alternatives to get you started, Laura A. Reissner

“Hail to the Queen”: Reading development within an interest-based tutoring program, A. Sanders, Melanie Reaves, G. Kamberelis, and T. Frahm


Short duration campaign simulation increases high school students' civic engagement skills and knowledge, Taylor E. Tillotson and Judith Puncochar

From Start to Scholarly Finish: Best practices for developing and evaluating virtual world educational modules, R. Umoren and Carolyn Lowe


Impact of a Diversity Conference on University Curriculum, Recruitment, and Accreditation Efforts, Christine M. Wilson, Autumn M. Palmer, and Judith Puncochar

Life in the Devonian, Carl Wozniak

From Earth to sky: Using drones to map 3D surface, Carl Wozniak and C. Boileau


Educator Evaluation and Evaluation Research Activities, Derek L. Anderson, Abby Standerford, and Bethney Bergh

Colleges of Health Sciences and Professional Studies Internal Grant, Bethney M. Bergh

Northern Michigan University Teaching and Learning Advisory Council (TLAC) Grant, Bethney M. Bergh

Colleges of Health Sciences and Professional Studies Internal Grant, Abby Cameron-Standerford

Teaching Learning Advisory Council (TLAC) Conference Grant, Abby Cameron-Standerford

Extending the conversation: Using visual literacy in the online classroom as a medium for understanding, Abby Cameron-Standerford, Bethney M. Bergh, and Christi Edge

Using Self-study to Navigate the Changing Seas of Standards-Based Education, Abby Cameron-Standerford, Bethney M. Bergh, and Christi U. Edge

Northern Progressive Research and Innovative Mutual Exploration (PRIME) Fund, S. Clarke and Judith Puncochar

Northern Michigan University TLAC Conference Grant, Christi Edge

Scholarship of Teaching Grant, Christi Edge

Teaching and Learning Advisory Council (TLAC) Grant, Christi Edge

University Faculty Research Grant, Christi Edge

2016-2017 TLAC Conference Grant, Christi Michigan Edge


Considering Teachers’ Classroom Literacy: Toward Uniting the Knowledge Base for Teaching and for Learning, Christi Michigan Edge

Becoming Teachers: A Phenomenological Study, Christi U. Edge

Paving the New Pathway: Creating a Clinical Partnership for the Preparation of Secondary Education Teachers, Christi U. Edge

Title II Curriculum Support and Education Grant, Joe Lubig


ELECT HER Campaign College Women to Win Program, Judith Puncochar

Student and Teacher Classroom Movement and Position as Indicators of Teacher Efficacy, Carl Wozniak and Mitchell Klett

Journal Articles

Outliers: Elementary teachers who actually teach social studies, Derek Anderson

Committed to differentiation and engagement: A case study of two American secondary social studies teachers, Derek Anderson and Tanya Cook


Outliers: Elementary teachers who actually teach social studies., Derek L. Anderson

The effects of a rubric-norming workshop on the variability of elementary pre-service teachers’ scoring practices., Derek L. Anderson, Sharon Bohhjanen, and J. Klipp


Committed to differentiation and engagement: A case study of two American secondary social studies teachers, Derek L. Anderson and Tanya Cook


The ignored religious other: Atheist/Agnostic pre-service teachers, Derek L. Anderson, Tanya Cook, and Tanya Cook

Religious beliefs, knowledge, and teaching actions: Elementary teacher candidates and world religions, Derek L. Anderson, Tanya Cook, and Holly Mathys

All other things being equal: Michigan principals’ hiring preferences, Derek L. Anderson, Joe Lubig, and Holly Mathys

Lessons learned from teaching teachers how to teach about world religions., Derek L. Anderson, Holly Mathys, and Joe Lubig